
Unlocking Rural Areas to Curb Rural-Urban Migration among Youth in Kenya

Rural-urban migration of youths in Kenya refers to the movement of young people from rural areas to urban centres in search of better opportunities, such as education, employment, health and access to social amenities. The latest data from the 2019 census by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics reveals that Kenya has a youthful population.  […]

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Effectiveness of Drought Response Interventions in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Kenya

Kenya is facing unprecedented drought episodes, with an increased frequency of occurrence and intensity. In the past ten years, Kenya has experienced three extremely severe droughts (2010-2011, 2016-2017 and 2020-2022). The recent drought (2020–2022) was the most severe and prolonged, with extensive livelihood losses and significant displacement for households living in arid areas. Drought has

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Building a Robust Digital Economy in Kenya

Emerging digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolution (4IR and 5IR), Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G technologies are supporting countries to transform their economies through disruptive innovations[1] and service delivery models such as open banking[2] and ride hailing applications[3]. In the last 15 years, the global digital

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Enhancing Peace and Security in Kenya through Mitigation of Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is among the greatest risks to peace and security in the 21st century. Climate change is not a direct cause of armed conflicts, but it indirectly increases the risk of conflict by exacerbating existing factors such as social, economic, and environmental conflicts. The intensity violence arising from livestock grazing lands is associated

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Rejuvenating Local Manufacturing in the Context of Secondhand Economy

There has been an emotive debate to limit growth and eventual elimination of secondhand goods in Kenya. The recent attempt to ban the importation of secondhand imported minibuses, midibuses, and large buses was immediately protested by the United Kingdom owing to the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) it has with Kenya. Previous attempts in Kenya to

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Overcoming Hurdles to Sustain Growth of Financial Technology in Kenya

Introduction Financial technology (fintech) automates and improves the delivery and usage of financial services. It enables businesses and individuals to effectively carry out operations and financial transactions using specialized coded software and algorithms used on computers and, more increasingly, on smartphones. Such computer programmes and technology enable banking and financial services to better unbundle their products

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Realizing Economic Value of Social Media through Content Monetization

Introduction Content monetization is a way of leveraging online content in social media so that the content creator earns money as users, consumers or subscribers use the content. Given the rise in social media applications, content creation has increased on various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. The digital era has

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Health Care Financing in the Context of Devolution in North-Eastern Counties

Introduction Provision of health services is a devolved function and county governments are expected to plan and budget for it. For the counties of Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa, devolution has been a blessing. These counties have for decades faced successive marginalization resulting in lack of access to essential services including health care services. Most of

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