Young Professionals (YP) Programme
It is KIPPRA’S flagship programme, it has been running since 2003 and overseeing 20-40 graduands each year. It targets to enhance the technical competence in evidence-based policy process, build research capabilities of participants, enlighten on the scope, relationships and procedures in governance structure in both national and county level, introduce participants to economic tools of analysis and provide practical experience in the policy making process. The programme targets young persons from both public and private sector at initial stages of their career. Flexible consideration is given to employees of County governments on a need basis
KIPPRA Young Professionals Flier
Young Professionals programme Blogs
Empowering Women through Information: Strengthening the Implementation of Access to Information Laws
Unempowered women are unable to fully participate in socioeconomic activities and fully take advantage of public facilities such as healthcare (inclusive of family planning), education,
Cancer as a Non-Communicable Disease and the Status of Cancer Control in Kenya
Introduction The concept of epidemiological transition of mortality and cause of death dates back to the neolithic age. Omran in 1971 divided the manifestation of