KIPPRA Senior Policy Analysts Mr Boaz Munga and Ms Anne Gitonga participated in a stakeholder co-creation workshop on the future of work in the informal economy in Kenya on 14th December 2023. The aim of the workshop, organized by TRANSFORM (Unilever, FCDO & EY), Brink, ProCol Africa, KIPPRA and Busara, is to gain valuable feedback and insights from sector players to inform its study focusing on 3 segments (Agri-business, Creatives and Entertainment, and Food Service Providers).

The interactive workshop also looked into understanding what role key ecosystem actors might have in shaping the future of work in Kenya, collaboratively identify innovative solutions and defining actionable recommendations. The stakeholders in their recommendations noted the need for inclusivity, leveraging on cooperatives and associations, implementation of climate smart agriculture and enhancing the ease of doing business for the people in the informal sector through improving access to finance services and support.

The stakeholders were drawn from the Strathmore Business School (SBS), British Council. Family Bank Foundation, German Development Corporation (GIZ), County Pension Fund (CPF), Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT), Johari Africa, Ernst & Young Global Limited and Pawa254.