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An International Centre of Excellence in Public Policy and Research

Macro-Modelling and Forecasting Training in Makueni county

The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) undertook a Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting training from the 13th to the 17th of January 2020 at Kyusombunguo Hotel, Wote – Makueni County.

The need for the training was borne after the ‘Assessment of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability’ report done by KIPPRA in 2019 in which Makueni county was among the six counties which were assessed. After the assessment, the County identified the need to enhance their capacity in the areas of macro-modelling and macro fiscal sensitivity analysis. This was in the aim of helping the county develop a macro- economic modelling tool at the county level.

Therefore, the Macro-economic modelling training was tailor made for Makueni County officials targeting officers working in Planning, Budget, Statistics and Revenue Directorates in the County Treasury,part of the training was on the KIPPRA- Treasury Macroeconomic Model (KTMM) which is used for policy analysis, forecasting and simulations by the State Department for Planning and KIPPRA.

The one-week introductory training was aimed at instilling macro-economic modeling and forecasting skills in preparation for development of the Makueni county macro-economic modeling tool. The training had an immense impact on the participants knowledge and skills in macro-economic models evident from the daily evaluations. The participants were awarded with certificates each, courtesy of KIPPRA. Moving forward, KIPPRA will support the department to develop a macro-economic tool for the county in a series of engagements with the participants.

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