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An International Centre of Excellence in Public Policy and Research

KIPPRA Mentorship Programme at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

KIPPRA, in collaboration with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT), hosted the Mentorship Programme for Universities (KMPUs) event on 22nd and 23rd February 2023. The event brought together DeKUT students and faculty members as well as representatives from Laikipia University. KMPUs alumni from Pwani and Machakos universities also attended the event.

Participants at the KMPUs event at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology.

KIPPRA Executive Director Dr Rose Ngugi explained that KMPUs is one of KIPPRA’s key capacity building initiatives aimed at harnessing the link between academia and public policy making to promote national development. She thanked the DeKUT fraternity, led by the VC, for accepting to host the event. Dr Ngugi highlighted other capacity building programmes offered by the Institute, including the Young Professionals Programme, which she encouraged the students to aspire to join. She also invited the university faculty and staff to participate in the Institute’s upcoming annual regional conference.

The KIPPRA Board Vice Chairperson Mrs Christine Wanjala spoke on behalf of the board chair and explained the importance of the mentorship programme in contributing to an informed public policy process. The Director of Economic Management at KIPPRA Dr Eldah Onsomu gave a detailed overview of the of the KMPUs and its objectives.

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology VC Prof. Eng. Paul Kioni.

On his part, the DeKUT VC Prof. Eng. Paul Kioni welcomed KIPPRA staff and other guests. He appreciated KIPPRA for choosing to impact the DeKUT university. He pledged his university’s support and further collaboration with KIPPRA in public policy research and engagement.

The first presentation was done by KIPPRA Principal Policy Analyst Dr Humphrey Njogu, who took the participants through the public policy making process. Mr Nahashon Lotaruck from the National Gender and Equality Commission enlightened participants on gender mainstreaming and government plans while Mr Johnson Rithaa from the National Youth Council explained government opportunities for youth empowerment. Other speakers include Mr Joram Mirimi from the Youth Enterprise Development Fund who explained various financial and capacity building initiatives offered by the Fund. Mr Kenneth Kabene from the National Council for Persons with Disabilities explained disability mainstreaming and the role of the council in supporting PWDs.

KIPPRA Executive Director Dr Rose Ngugi during the KMPUs event.

The students got a chance to learn about the harmful effects of drugs and substance abuse from Dr Yvonne Olando from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA). A representative from the Nyeri County Government Dennis Kariuki explained the county level long-term and medium-term development agenda, with emphasis on County Integrated Development Plan (CIDPs). Ms Judith Onyango from the State Department for Economic Planning presented on the government’s planning process and its role in national development while Ms Irene Miako, an HR expert, spoke to the students about professional development, growth and opportunities for youth – college transition and career networking.

KIPPRA Board Vice Chairperson Mrs Christine Wanjala represented the Board Chair during the event.

Students got a chance to showcase their talents in poetry, spoken word, singing, dancing and Taekwondo. Students who participated in essay writing and the policy debate were awarded certificates.

A panel of students discusses the importance of inclusiveness in public policy.

Prior to the event, KIPPRA signed an MoU with the university to cement the partnership and provide a framework for upcoming engagements. The university also got a chance to showcase its technological innovations when guests visited the Semiconductor Technologies Limited site within the university. The manufacturing firm is involved in semiconductor manufacturing, nanotechnology, research and development, supply chain cyber security & capital equipment manufacturing.

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