KIPPRA held a dissemination workshop on assessment of County Integrated Development Plan II (CIDP II) for ASAL counties on 3rd and 4th August 2023 in Machakos County.
The aim of the workshop was to disseminate evaluation reports on the second generation CIDP review for the 29 ASAL counties. As counties develop the third generation CIDPs, they are expected to conduct a review on implementation of the CIDP II to inform development of the new CIDPs.

KIPPRA got a chance to highlight its mandate, including the capacity building programmes available for the county officers.
Participants also got to learn about the National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition (NIPFN), a project implemented by KIPPRA and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). This was important because food and nutrition security are key building blocks for economic growth. Performance of the key indicators — stunting, wasting, underweight, overweight and obesity – across sample counties represented were highlighted.

The key issues of focus were the performance and evaluation of CIDP II where officers discussed and made presentations of key highlights in the reports. They also brought out emerging issues in the CIDPs. Mainstreaming issues, monitoring and evaluation framework for CIDPs as well as lessons learnt to inform CIDP III Implementation were discussed.
The counties represented at the workshop were: Wajir, Machakos, Kitui, Embu, West Pokot, Kwale, Marsabit, Kiambu, Migori, Lamu, Baringo, Kajiado, Homa Bay and Makueni counties.

Among the emerging issues include:
- Collaboration between counties: From the previous CIDP II it came out clearly that there is need for counties to learn from one another, example is Makueni county statistical abstract, where they managed to do the statistical abstract with a budget of Ksh 2 million compared to the first generation where they did it with Ksh 8 million.
- The need for a strong monitoring and evaluation framework.
- Delayed disbursement of funds leads to a strain in achieving the development goals within the set timelines.
- Need for capacity building on how to tailor-make the programmes.
- The impact of climate change needs to be mainstreamed in the CIDP III.
- Need to mainstream socio-economic challenges affecting specific county. For example, mainstreaming programmes that deal with drugs and substance abuse for affected counties.
- Mainstreaming mental healthcare.
- Indicator handbook: Does it address indicators up to the ward level or sub-county and do what extent have the counties done the handbook?