An International Centre of Excellence in Public Policy and Research

Empowering County Public Service through Capacity Building


The County Public Service (County Governments Act, 2012) plays a pivotal role in translating the vision of devolution into tangible benefits for citizens. Charged with the responsibility of planning, coordinating, and delivering the 14 devolved services, including healthcare services, agriculture, local tourism, control of air pollution, trade development and regulation, county planning and pre-primary education, county public servants serve as frontline agents of change in their communities. Their dedication, expertise, and commitment are essential in driving the agenda of inclusive development and improving the quality of life for all Kenyans. Further, the effectiveness and efficiency of government institutions often hinge upon the skills, knowledge, and dedication of the workforce. This is more evident at the county level, where public servants play a pivotal role in delivering essential services and driving local development initiatives. However, navigating the complex challenges of governance and meeting the diverse needs of communities requires continuous investment in capacity building. This blog explores the critical pathways of capacity building in empowering county public service.

Status of Capacity Building for County Public Service

Legislative mandate

Section 57 of the County Governments Act 2012 provides for the establishment of County Public Service Boards for each of the 47 counties as a body corporate with perpetual succession and seals capable of suing in their corporate names. The County Public Service is tasked with facilitating the creation and execution of comprehensive human resource function for the county. In addition, the County Public Service is responsible for building the capacity of their staff to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities.

Budget allocation to capacity building in county governments

Budget allocation for capacity building in the county public service is essential to ensure the development of a skilled and capable workforce capable of effectively delivering public services. While there exists no clear policy on the specific budget allocation, factors such as the size of the county public service and level of staff skills and competencies should be considered. Furthermore, best practice recommends allocation of around 1-5 per cent of the organization’s total budget to capacity building initiatives (Government of Kenya, 2022). A spot check of the publicly available county budget review and outlook papers reviews indicates that only 16 counties have a standalone budget allocation for capacity building, out of which only one county met the 1-5 per cent threshold in the past two years as indicated in table one.

Table 1: Counties with standalone capacity building budget allocations summary

County2022/23Percentage ratio to total budget2023/24Percentage ratio to total budget
Elgeyo Marakwet3,000,0990.163, 923,4040.16
Tana River101,593,1200.12139,053,9860.021
Tharaka Nithi25,333,4000.0726,232,2400.07
West Pokot21, 779,2680.05

Source: County Budget Review and Outlook Papers 2022 and 2023

Skills Gap at County Public Services

Organizational capacity building

There are five major dimensions that characterize capacity building at the county level. They include organizational capacity building, human resource development, service delivery improvement, stakeholder engagement and collaboration and lastly innovation and adaptation. At the first dimension of organizational capacity building, gaps have been identified in the capabilities, systems, and processes of county governments. These gaps include poor strategic planning, leadership and transition management, weak monitoring and evaluation culture, weak performance management, and change management as some of the threats facing efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability at county level (Council of Governors Strategic Plan 2022-2027).

Capacity building in the context of service delivery improvement aims to enhance the quality, accessibility, and responsiveness of public services. The skills gaps identified under this dimension include weak induction of county leadership and insufficient competencies at the county level to deliver effective and efficient service (10th State of Devolution Address, 2023 report).

Effective stakeholder engagement and collaboration rely on several fundamental skills, as emphasized in the Master Plan for Scarce and High Priority Skills in the Public Service (2020). According to the plan, communication skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, and flexibility skills are identified as crucial prerequisites for fostering successful engagement and collaboration among stakeholders. This underscores the existing skills gap within the human capital both at the National and County levels of public service.

Innovation and adaptation

In an era of rapid change and uncertainty, capacity building efforts in the public service increasingly focus on fostering innovation, creativity, and adaptability. According to a 2023 report from the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Digital Economy, 32 counties have made efforts to digitize their service delivery processes, including tasks such as revenue collection and business permit applications. However, 15 counties have not yet integrated information and communication technology (ICT) into their service delivery systems.

To address these gaps, a diverse set of skills are required. They include proficiency in ICT systems, software development, database management, and project management for technical staff. Change management skills are required to effectively address resistance to change and promote the benefits of e-Government adoption among stakeholders.

Own-source revenue

Two skills gaps have been identified through the Auditor General’s report for the year ending June 2022 at the county level. The issue of low own-source revenue for counties in Kenya underscores the urgent need for targeted capacity building initiatives. Using data from the report, only four counties meet own-source revenue target. 43 counties struggled to generate sufficient revenue from local sources due to various challenges, including weak administrative systems, inadequate infrastructure, and limited staff capacity in financial management and taxation. The ability to conduct thorough financial analysis and forecasting is crucial for understanding revenue trends, projecting future revenue streams, and making informed decisions about resource allocation.

Public finance management

Spatial planning

Policy Gaps and Emerging issues

Over the years, Kenya’s skills master plan has not adequately captured the skills needs of county public service. As a result, acquisition and development of skills and competencies has not adequately responded to the skills needs of county public service. This was particularly brought out through the Council of Governors Strategic Plan 2022-2027, which revealed that the county public service workforce was experiencing shortage of technical and professional skills in critical areas such as project management, public policy analysis and implementation, data analysis, climate smart technology, disease surveillance and cybersecurity.

Moreover, the provisions of the Public Service Commission Act 2017 on appointments and promotions within the Public Service have primarily relied on academic qualifications and experience, often neglecting the importance of acquiring necessary technical competencies for optimal job performance and productivity. Additionally, recruitment and promotion processes have leaned heavily on oral interviews, overlooking the value of practical tests, which offer a more comprehensive assessment of individuals’ abilities and competencies.

The Public Finance Management Act 2012 and its regulations 2015 require that national government and county governments allocate at least 30 per cent of their budget to capital expenditure. On average, counties allocated 60.2 per cent of their budget to recurrent expenditure for the fiscal year 2021/2022. However, 17 counties recorded a below 50 per cent absorption rate of development expenditure (Office of the Controller of Budget report 2021/2022).

Conclusion and Recommendations

To enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of county public servants, a comprehensive needs assessment could be conducted to identify specific skills gaps within each county, paving way for targeted strategic capacity building programmes. To promote service delivery, counties to invest in strengthening the institutional capacity of county governments by providing resources, infrastructure, and technology necessary for effective service delivery.

To promote optimal utilization of county resources, county governments to build capacity of county officials on best practices in resource allocation, budgeting, and financial management. To enhance stakeholder engagement, there is need to foster collaborative partnerships between county governments, civil society organizations, private sector, development partners, and other stakeholders to address common challenges, leverage resources, and promote shared goals. To strengthen legal compliance, it will be important to enhance the capacity of county legal departments to provide accurate, timely, and informed guidance on legal matters, including constitutional interpretation and compliance. For effective recruitment and promotion in the county public service, more emphasis needs to be placed on job performance abilities instead of academic qualifications and length of service.

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