Infrastructure & Economic Services
The Infrastructure and Economic Services Department focuses on developing innovative, research-based infrastructure policy options and moving them into the practical policymaking arena to address infrastructure management and policy challenges. It targets issues that hinder the development and provision of physical infrastructure and services across sectors such as energy, petroleum transmission and distribution, water and waste management, transport, construction and housing, urban and regional planning, information and communications technology (ICT), environmental health, infrastructure finance, investment and productivity, and public service delivery.
Discussion Paper
Policy Briefs
Specials Papers
Working Papers
Discussion Paper
Effects of Droughts and Floods on Infrastructure in Kenya-DP243
1 file(s) 0.00 KB
Intensity of Energy Consumption among Kenya’s Households-DP209
1 file(s) 0.00 KB
Digital Dividends Evidence from Internet Usage in Kenya-DP194
1 file(s) 0.00 KB
Pivoting Digital Inclusion to Unlock Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands-DP314
1 file(s) 781.55 KB
Policy Briefs
Specials Papers
Working Papers