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An International Centre of Excellence in Public Policy and Research

Public Policy Making Process in Machakos County

On 24th -28th February KIPPRA undertook a Public  Policy Making Process which was held at People Park Conference hall in Machakos County. It covered the Public Policy Making Process module and included the key elements on creating a public policy, role of stakeholders in public policy, participation, problem identification, agenda setting, policy design, policy implementation, policy monitoring and evaluation and relevant others.

The participants were representatives from the technical staff of Machakos County and were from various departments from the County of Machakos:They included but not limited to County ministry of Energy, Tourism, Cooperatives, Sports, education and planning. There were no participants from other counties or external members as the course was customized for Machakos County.

The Modules comprised of intensive learning sessions (lectures) by various KIPPRA Policy Analyst, group discussions, question and Answer sessions, recap sessions, case studies and problem analysis through group comparatives using group dynamics and presentations. Thus, enhancing a wholistic approach in participation.

Overall the training was received positively by the County representative members, this was depicted by the rating issued by the participants. The rating ranged between 1 and 5 from excellent to unsatisfactory and the most frequent were the top 2; excellent and good.

The Machakos County Executive Council (CEC) had initially expressed interest for the Public Policy Making Process training and deliberated with the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) for the need of a Capacity Building Initiative for the county. The training was facilitated with a bias in Public Process Making process which would enhance the capacity and capabilities of the CEC’s Machakos County. The PPMP training was intended to strengthen the participants in public policy making process, develop their skills and enhance the quality of the policies made by the county to international standards.

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