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Overview of the Status of Plant Variety Protection PVP

The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) recorded a total of 1,826 applications for PVP by March 2021. 29.02% of the applications were from Kenyans while 70.65% applications were from foreigners. Out of the 29.02% local applications, 77.17% were from public institutions while 28.83% were coming from private institutions. 35.6% of the total applications were for food crops protection while 63.96% were for cash crops. Only 0.44% were for the protection of forest trees (Eucalyptus).

The table below gives a summary of the applications received at KEPHIS.

Distribution of PVP Applications for Agricultural, Horticultural, and Industrial Crops in Kenya                                

  • Agricultural Crops in Kenya

As per the pie chart below, roots & tubers, fruits & berries as well as vegetables recorded the least in percentage (3%) of application for Plant Variety Protection. This was closely followed by pulses at 4%. Ornamentals (garden plants) recorded the highest percentage of applications at 65%.

  • Horticultural Crops in Kenya

According to the chart below, roses recorded the highest percentage of applications at 72%. Fruits and vegetables had the lowest percentage at 4%.

  • Industrial Crops in Kenya

The chart below indicates that Tea had the highest percentage at 43% while Coffee had the least number of applications at 4%

Impact of PVP in Cut Flower Industry

  • The Kenyan floriculture market was valued at USD 861.6 million in 2018. It is projected to register a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period (2020-2025). Export earnings for the year 2020 from Flowers earned the country Ksh 108B (FPEAK,2021).
  • Rose is witnessing immense popularity in the country. Its production was valued at USD 592.4 million in 2019.
  • It is estimated that the floriculture industry employs over 150,000 people directly and more than 500,000 indirectly who supply goods and services (KFC,2020)

Source; Lucas Suva presentation KEPHIS

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