KIPPRA in collaboration with KNBS launched National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition (NIPFN) Policy Research Papers on 21st November 2024. The event was graced by Economic Planning Secretary, Mr Timothy Gakuu, KIPPRA Board Chairperson, Prof. Paul Wachana, KIPPRA Ag. Executive Director, Dr Eldah Onsomu, KNBS Director Corporate Services, Mr Abdikadir Aweis, Chief of Nutrition for UNICEF, Dr Ismael Teta and NIPFN Project Manager, Mr James Gatungu.

The policy research papers focus on drivers of stunting reduction in Kenya, the cost of a nutritious school meal in Kenya, relationship between drought early warning system information and food and nutrition security in Kenya among others. The Papers provide evidence-based policy recommendations that aim to advance efforts to strengthen food security and nutrition in Kenya.

Speaking during the launch the Economic Planning Secretary, Mr Timothy Gakuu noted that NIPFN has played a pivotal role in advancing efforts to strengthen food security and nutrition in the Country. Mr Gakuu further underscored the important role NIPFN is playing in the nutrition space in Kenya, he stated that by providing timely and reliable data, and undertaking in-depth analysis, the platform supports policymakers, government agencies, and development partners in making informed, evidence-based decisions