KIPPRA got an opportunity to launch the 14th Global Go-To Think Tanks Index report on 30th January 2020. The annual report ranked KIPPRA fifth in Sub-Saharan Africa, an improvement from position six last year. The Institute also improved in the worldwide, non-US category where it was ranked 127th compared to last year’s 135th.
In attendance at the launch was the KIPPRA team lead by the Board Chair Dr Linda Musumba and Executive Director Dr Rose Ngugi. Partner organizations were also represented during the launch. They include: Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP), The African Centre for people, Institutions and Society (ACEPIS), KEMRI-Well Come Trust, Kenya Agriclutrual & Livestock Research (KALRO), National Commission for Science ,Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural policy and Development, The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA), Horn International Institue for Strategic studies, African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), International Development Research Centre(IDRC), African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) and National Crime Research Centre (NCRC).
The Global Go-To-Think Tank Index Report is an annual document produced by the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program (TTSCP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. The report is launched during the “Why Think Tanks Matter Forum”, which is done every year. The index ranks the world’s leading Think Tanks in a variety of categories. TTCSP’s key goal is to increase the profile and performance of think tanks and raise the public awareness of the important role think tanks play in governments and civil societies around the world.
The TTCSP was inaugurated in 1989, with the first launch of the Think Tank Index Report being done in 2006. To date, the Program has produced 13 reports on Global Go To Think Tanks Index. The theme for this year’s launch is: Why Think Tanks and Policy Advice Will Still Matter in 2040.
Copied link to the report.