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Kenya’s Youth Transformative Agenda since Independence and Future Projection

After independence, I remember youth’s participation in political matters in this country was almost impossible. However, the government of Kenya has tried its best to include youths in all matters that the country needs for sustainability. Like for now there are young members of parliament representing different constituencies. The implementation of a comprehensive youth transformative agenda in Kenya, focusing on education, employment opportunities, and civic engagement, is not only crucial for the nation’s socio-economic development but also imperative for addressing the pressing challenges of unemployment, social inclusion, and political participation among the youth population.

Transforming the youth agenda in Kenya since independence has been a multifaceted journey influenced by public policy and youth empowerment which includes education, empowerment and representation. In education policies like free primary education introduced in 2003 and subsidized secondary education. In youth empowerment programs like National Youth Service and Youth Enterprise Development Fund offers training, funding and support for young entrepreneurs. In youth representation, there have been efforts to increase youth representation in political processes for example the Kenyan constitution of 2010 created a youth quota in elective positions to promote youth participation in governance. It is also influenced by economic growth and development which includes; economic growth, informal sector, and technological and innovation. 

Kenya made several key milestones towards the fulfillment of the youth agenda since gaining independence in 1963. The Free Primary Education (2003) introduced free primary education thereby increased access to basic education for children including the youth. Subsidized secondary education (2008), building on free primary education, Kenya expanded access to secondary education by subsidizing school feel. Youth Enterprise Development Fund (2006) was established to provide financial support and training to young employers. National Youth Service (NYS) program offers training and employment opportunities to young people. Youth quota in the constitution (2010) among others ensured that young people have voice in government at various level.

Despite the progress made in Kenya’s efforts to address the needs of its youth population, there are several key limitations and challenges associates with the transformative agenda for youth. These limitations include:

 High youth unemployment: Many young people struggle to find stable  and well-paying jobs, leading to frustration and disillusionment.

Underemployment: Even when the young people find employment, they often end up in jobs that do not fully utilize their skills and education.

Quality Education: many youths graduate with limited practical skills and face challenges in transitioning to the job market.

Corruption: Funds intended for youths’ empowerment may be misappropriated, limiting their impact.

Gender disparities: Young women often face more significance barriers to participation in various sectors of the society.

Access to finance: While there are programs like Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) accessing finance for young entrepreneurs can still be challenging due to bureaucratic hurdles and limited financial literacy. Lack of mentorship Guidance: Many young entrepreneurs lack mentorship and guidance to navigate the complexities of running successful business. Mentorship programs are not always readily available.

The future of the youth transformative agenda in Kenya is multifaceted as many countries will depend on a combination of factors, including government policies, economic conditions, societal changes, and the active participation of young people themselves. Potential directions the youth transformative agenda in Kenya could take in the future include:

Youth-Centered Policies: Future government in Kenya will need to continue developing and implementing policies that prioritize the needs and aspiration of young people. This includes policies related to education, employment, entrepreneurship, healthcare, and political participation.

Skills Development: As the economy evolves, there will be a growing emphasis on equipping young people with relevant skills for the job market.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Supporting startups, providing access to finance, and creating an environment conducive to innovation will be crucial.

Tech and digital Economy: Given Kenya’s role as a technology hub in Africa, the digital economy will continue to expand. Opportunities for young people in fields of like software development, e-commerce, and fintech will likely grow.

Globalization and mobility: The government may need to support initiatives that enables Kenyan youth to benefit from international opportunities while addressing brain drain concerns.

To further advance the youth transformative agenda in Kenya, policymakers should consider a range of strategies and policy recommendations. These recommendations aim to address the specific needs and challenges faced by young people in the country and create an environment that fosters their empowerment.

Educational and Skills Development: Focus on improving the quality of both primary and secondary education to equip youth with relevant skills and knowledge.

 Promote Technical and vocational Education:  Expand technical and vocational training programs to provide practical skills and diversify career options for young people.

Digital Literacy: Incorporate digital literacy programs into the education system to prepare youth for the digital economy.

Employment and Entrepreneurship: The government should come up with policies and programs that will stimulate job creation, access to finance, incubators and start-up support to nature innovation and entrepreneurship among young people.

Gender Equality and Inclusion: Government should implement policies that ensure equal opportunity through promoting gender equality, address gender-based violence.

Political Participation: Youth representation encourages youth participation in politics to expose them to opportunities in running public office.

In conclusion, Transformative agenda for youth since independence and future projection have been pushed with the Kenyan government despite the limitations and challenges facing the agenda. However, the future of the agenda looks promising and I hereby recommend that the government focuses on the policies that will effectively fulfill the agenda.

Author: Joash Simiyu, Laikipia University, School of Business & Economics

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