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An International Centre of Excellence in Public Policy and Research

Potential of Creative Economy in Kenya: An Assessment of Occupational Training Skill Gaps

The creative economy (together with the digital economy) is identified as a pillar for economic transformation in Kenya. The Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) identifies the creative economy as one of the priority areas for economic transformation.

The creative industry, however, experiences various constraints. In the film industry, for instance, the constraints include low levels of investment and inadequate skilled personnel (KNBS, 2023). Emerging industries such as video gaming as well as existing industries such as film experiences capacity gaps (Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy, 2015; KIPPRA, 2022).

Kenya’s creative economy is predominantly informal, therefore, majority face business and entrepreneurship skills deficits. Further, industries such as crafts are characterized by low levels of formal education (Gensis Analytics, 2021).

The overall objective of the study is to assess the occupational training skill gaps for the performing arts, film, and fashion creative industries in Kenya.

The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To assess the occupational training skill gaps in performing arts, film, and fashion in creative industries in Kenya.
  2. To establish the constraints faced by training institutions in supplying required occupational skills for performing arts, film, and fashion creative industries in Kenya.

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