KIPPRA organized dissemination webinars for the Kenya Economic Report 2024 chapters on 2nd to 5th December 2024. The dissemination focused on chapters of the Kenya Economic Report 2024. The report was themed “Enhancing Productivity for Sustained Inclusive Growth” and had ten chapters. The chapters include: Trends and developments in macroeconomic performance; medium-term macroeconomic outlook; labour productivity in manufacturing; enhancing productivity through trade; enhancing agricultural productivity through a transformative agenda; developing skills for a productive and dynamic labour market; labour productivity at the county level; leveraging strategic partnership to unlock technology transfer; enhancing productivity in the public service and leveraging on digitalization to increase productivity in the informal economy.

Promoting Gender Equity and Inclusivity in the Employment Sector in Kenya
Introduction Equity pertains to fair and just distribution of all means of opportunities and resources between women and men (National Policy on Gender and Development