Sustainable Development
Sustainable development refers to the pattern of resource use that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. .
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Sustainable development refers to the pattern of resource use that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. .
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Equity refers to:• fairness,• impartiality,• justice; and• provision of equal access to national resources and opportunities regardless of gender, disability, age, race, ethnicity, religion or status. .
Human rights refer to God given inherent inalienable liberties and entitlements to be enjoyed by all people and upholding of their rights as spelt out in the Constitution.They include: The right to life, freedom of expression, right to health, housing, freedom from hunger, social security, education, the right to development and self-determination. .
Human dignity refers to:• honor bestowed on individuals and people, and• the upholding of the individual rightsas spelt out in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights regardless of one’s status (Article 28). .
Democracy is a political culture in which all citizens exercise direct and equal participation in the running of the affairs of their country.Participation is the practice of involving all people in making decisions which ensures mutual respect and encourages shared responsibilities .
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Is a state of oneness which results from shared values, vision, purpose and aspirations irrespective of the ethnic, cultural, economic, religious or any other superficial status, while recognizing diversity. • It is a choice to work as a team in tackling the challenges that face us as a nation. “One Kenya, One People, One Destiny”.
Non-discrimination refers to offering services and taking care of all persons without bias irrespective of their gender, ethnic, class, religious, race, geographical or even generational differences .
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Transparency refers to the requirement to share information and act in an open manner.Accountability refers to being held responsible for one’s actions, conduct and management of resources. .
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Refers to the enjoyment of the rights that enhance the well-being of an individual in all aspects of their interaction with one another and promotes solidarity.• It is:– the fairness in service delivery,– distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society by the Government.
Sharing and Devolution of Power is a governance environment in which power, political, economic and social resources are distributed between the…
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